shiroiushi 2 days ago

Who's "we"? It seems it's only Windows users. Linux users don't use Winrar, and I don't know offhand of any nagware like this in Linux-land.

  • atomicUpdate 16 hours ago

    Sublime does it, at least with Merge.

    It’s weird to think Linux programs would somehow be different from Windows in this regard. Why would a program running in Linux are more altruistic (for lack of a better term) than one running in Windows?

    • shiroiushi an hour ago

      >Why would a program running in Linux are more altruistic (for lack of a better term) than one running in Windows?

      It's an entirely different culture. Windows users are used to paying for software (starting with the OS), and Linux users aren't. So the monetization strategies are different. For Sublime, that seems to be primarily a Windows program that tried to cross over, so it's not surprising it would reflect that history.

  • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

    You are right I've totally never seen any funding messages in NPM :)

    • shiroiushi 2 days ago

      I did say "offhand"; I'm not personally familiar with npm. There is some stuff like this in Linux-land if you know where to look, of course, such as the message in Vim, but even there you only see it if you start the program without any filename argument, or look in the docs, so it's hard to call that "nagware", which usually means something that won't allow you to use the software without first reading and acknowledging the advertisement.