Comment by tptacek

Comment by tptacek 3 days ago

8 replies

The opposite is probably more true. By the admission of some of Netanyahu's own command staff, the only reason the IDF is still committed in Gaza is to keep Netanyahu in power; as soon as Gaza is resolved, he's likely to be ousted (and then to face criminal charges). Israel cannot stay fully engaged in Gaza and open up a conventional military front in southern Lebanon. If we're using this kind of logic --- message board logic, let's be clear --- today's action harms Netanyahu's immediate interests, by hastening the point at which the IDF will substantially withdraw from Gaza.

underdeserver 3 days ago

I'm pretty sure that if the IDF is committed in Lebanon it's no different from Gaza, as far as the ousting process is concerned.

Do you have a source for that command staff admission?

There are still hostages in Gaza. Until they're either released or proven dead I would guess Gaza would still be counted as "unresolved".

  • s1artibartfast 3 days ago


    • underdeserver 3 days ago

      It's not a binary choice. Israel could keep some forces in Gaza - a much smaller force than what was used in the first few months of the ground campaign - and focus the majority of forces in Lebanon.

      I don't see force readiness reports. I hope Israeli officials do, and make the right decisions.

anovick 3 days ago


  • nemomarx 3 days ago

    Plenty of people called Trump illegitimate, or say Putin is a strongman dictator now, I'm not sure why Nehtahnyu should be above reproach? Wasn't he almost investigated by the supreme Court during a power grab?