calebkaiser 2 days ago

Great question. First, we have a ton of respect for the work the DeepEval team is doing. That said, we took a fundamentally different approach in building Opik as an open source project. With DeepEval, if you want to log your data or use the UI, you need to use Confident AI's cloud platform (which as far as I'm aware, has no free plan). So, if you want to visualize traces, do production monitoring, labeling, etc, you can't just use the DeepEval open source library.

All of Opik's functionality, including the UI and logging, is available in the open source version. The only "features" that are inaccessible from the open source version of Opik are things that are actually features of the Comet platform. For example, Comet Artifacts allow you to store your datasets as versioned assets, preserved as an immutable series of snapshots, which automatically track any experiments they've been a part of in order to preserve their full data lineage. You can use Opik with Artifacts, but that will require a free Comet account. Any Opik-specific feature, however, is fully available in the open source version.