Comment by ksaj

Comment by ksaj 3 days ago

4 replies

The reason you are asked to prove your laptop can boot at airport security is that batteries and bombs have similar densities.

It would be pretty straight forward to rig a pager to run off of one battery while the other is an explosive charge made to look like the actual battery.

yonran 3 days ago

So how do you think that airport security will adjust to the widespread knowledge that you can hide an explosive alongside the battery?

  • ksaj 2 days ago

    Especially now that it is abundantly clear that a pager's batteries are large enough to be replaced by quite an effective bomb. And cell phones are a fair amount larger than pagers.

    It seems the pager bombs only killed the users. But they also harmed a lot of people around them.

ben7799 2 days ago

They have other ways to detect explosives.

I've had my stuff tested for explosives, and it did not involve turning anything on.