Comment by csmpltn

Comment by csmpltn 3 days ago

13 replies

There's absolutely no reason for uninvolved, random and peaceful civilians to be carrying a classified wartime-ready pager issued by a paramilitary terrorist organization. If you were carrying the device you're either Hezbollah, or cooperating with them - which makes you a legitimate military target.

Israel has given Lebanon and Hezbollah enough ultimatums to stop the aggressions. This is what happens when diplomacy fails.

koolba 3 days ago

> If you were carrying the device you're either Hezbollah, or cooperating with them - which makes you a legitimate military target.

Or you were standing in line next to a guy holding one while waiting to buy groceries. It’s clearly indiscriminate to the collateral damage.

  • csmpltn 3 days ago

    But we already have videos of people standing in very close proximity to the devices being detonated - and not getting hurt. In-fact, many of the people carrying the device in their pockets ended up not sustaining life-threatening injuries.

    I'm not saying civilians weren't hurt by this. But I'm also saying that no war has 0% civilian casualties. Those two countries are at war with each other.

  • eastbound 3 days ago

    I like your lack of proportions.

    This war is about Hezbollah and Hamas shelling civilians in Israel. Like hundreds of rockets per night. If, to stop that, it may harm a few civilians who are waiting next to Hezbollah members,

    …you would let people keep shelling civilians by hundreds and hundreds of rockets?

    How do you choose your actions, do you always support the guys who cause the maximum deaths? How does it work, “indiscriminate damage” is as soon as a person is inconvenienced while they were holding Hezbollah’s grocery bags? Shouldn’t they … distance themselves?

    Pun unintended. But it’s a very good question. Shouldn’t they distance themselves from active murderers?

    • beaglesss 3 days ago

      This won't do anything meaningful to reduce civilian deaths. Less than 0.1% of Lebanon injured, and 10x that number now even more enraged. Not meaningfully repeatable either, won't create significant attrition

      Stoking the flames of death is all.

      • csmpltn 3 days ago

        This sends a message to Hezbollah and Lebanon. "Last chance to turn around". After 12 months of back-and-forth, and all attempts at diplomacy failing.

        Beirut can end up just like Gaza, but Israel has been restraining itself. Not for much longer.

      • ineedasername 3 days ago

        The massive disruption of Hezbollah's communication network may cripple them enough to shorten the duration of the conflict, and possibly help turn public sentiment from Lebonese civilians into pressure to find a way to end things. The civilians are the people who on average do not feel strongly enough to fight, and may have large number pissed that a group-- even if they believe in its cause-- has brought violence to their communities through a surprise attack against a more powerful enemy. More than half of the Lebonese population believe there is no military solution to the overall dispute:

    • koolba 3 days ago

      > …you would let people keep shelling civilians by hundreds and hundreds of rockets?

      I said no such thing though do find it interesting that any questioning of the methods used by one party is interpreted as blanket acceptance of all methods used by the other.

      > Pun unintended. But it’s a very good question. Shouldn’t they distance themselves from active murderers?

      How could they possibly know? I’ve never been in line for a sandwich and thought to ask if the person in front of me might spontaneously explode.

  • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

    If they were truly indiscriminate and and indifferent to collateral damage, there are far easier and more effective ways to kill a few dozen people in Lebanon.

    The whole complex and contrived attack speaks of tying to minimize collateral damage.

makomk 3 days ago

All available evidence suggests there's nothing "classified" or "wartime ready" about these - they were your basic, cheap, totally unencrypted POCSAG/Flex pager. The same as any other pager carried by doctors and all the other people who use them - aside from the hidden explosives, of course.