Comment by llm_nerd

Comment by llm_nerd 3 days ago

19 replies

The busy supermarket saw people standing directly beside the target perplexed and completely unharmed. This was extremely localized.

If the child story is true (which is always in question), presumably they were tragically playing with the pager or the like at precisely that time.

However the footage of the attack is overwhelmingly fighting-age males exclusively. As far as military operations go, that is remarkably targeted.

S33V 3 days ago

if someone next to you in a supermarket was wounded from an explosive like the video shows, do you think perplexed and completely unharmed would be a good description for your experience? Maybe we saw different videos, but it's pretty hard to make such a generalized statement from a few seconds of video.

  • llm_nerd 3 days ago

    Yes? Clearly the people directly beside the target were physically unharmed and confused about what happened. For all they knew the guy had an e-vape explode or something.

    Maybe in the future they'll carry some emotional damage or something, but living in a country de facto in a state of war with a formidable nuclear-power neighbour, while governed by a terrorist organization that indiscriminately fires rockets into civilian areas essentially daily, carries that risk, right? I doubt such an operation was a surprise to anyone.

  • alickz 2 days ago

    > if someone next to you in a supermarket was wounded from an explosive

    that "someone" is an enemy combatant currently fighting a war

    if they were wearing a uniform would you stand next to a soldier during an ongoing war?

    if you were a soldier would you hide in a group of civilians?

    there's a lot of blame to go around and Israel is far from clean, but the Hezbollah members are clearly also putting people in harms way by using them as a shield against attacks like this

  • bbqfog 3 days ago


    • dotancohen 3 days ago

      And how did watching videos of Hamas beheading people on October 7th affect you? And how did watching videos from the Hezbollah attack on the children's football field, that killed a dozen children, affect you?

      • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

        Look at their history, you are replying to an IP conflict bot account.

      • komali2 3 days ago

        It's a damn shame that Israel funded Hamas in their goal of supplanting more leftist groups gaining ground in Palestine, and it's a damn shame that Israel has spent something like 70 years now assassinating various Palestinian political leaders, including vocal pacifist advocates.

        Just like the Americans decreased the safety of Americans abroad by spending two decades radicalizing the middle east, Israel has decreased the safety of its citizens by always choosing to escalate the violence.

    • jncfhnb 3 days ago

      You don’t live in a society where the guy next to you at the supermarket is actively involved in terrorism strikes against the other country.

      These kinds of comparisons are frankly just nonsense and so devoid of context

      • bbqfog 2 days ago

        Yes I do. In fact, many of the VCs in our industry that I've had to deal with are Zionist terrorists cheering on this attack.

    • [removed] 3 days ago
PolygonSheep 2 days ago

> The busy supermarket saw people standing directly beside the target perplexed and completely unharmed. This was extremely localized.

I saw that video too and I'm happy the bystanders in that case were unharmed but that was 1/2000 (or 5,000?) explosions. I wouldn't necessarily extrapolate the supermarket video to the other several thousand explosions.