csmpltn 3 days ago

Fair enough, and thanks for being open about this. With this in mind, all I can say is that your original comment is based on 100% emotion and 0% analysis and rationality.

  • mistermann 3 days ago


    • csmpltn 3 days ago

      I certainly agree that war, as experienced by humans on all sides of a conflict, is a form of terror.

      That's a simple emotional argument that everybody can relate to.

      It doesn't touch on the realities of war, especially a war that was forced on one side by another (which is the case here, with Hezbollah willingly deciding to shell and bomb Israel on a daily basis for the past 12 months, despite Israel not waging any war on Lebanon).

      What are you so fascinated with here, exactly?

      • mistermann 2 days ago


        > 100% emotion and 0% analysis

        I love the irony of it.

s1artibartfast 3 days ago

Do you think that any military action with civilian impact constitutes terrorism?

no war has ever been waged without collateral damage.