Comment by nickpp

Comment by nickpp 3 days ago

2 replies

You have a point: the best engineers do tend to have an underdeveloped social life. On the other hand, the ones that love to suck up are the ones with the great social skills.

Again, sample of one, so take with the grain of salt, do not draw generic conclusions, etc.

spacemadness 3 days ago

Oh, I'm certainly taking it with a giant pile of salt alright, because what you said was insulting nonsense pointed directly at remote workers. And you can't say don't draw generic conclusions when you tried to do exactly that.

  • nickpp 2 days ago

    The very first words of my initial message warned you I am talking strictly about my team.

    I do know excellent engineers working solely remote. Not on my team though, and they are freelancing contractors. Different organizations, different dynamics.