Comment by Loughla

Comment by Loughla 3 days ago

1 reply

Bingo. You can breeze through all levels of education with a combination of personality and picking the right courses. Your faculty tend to be overworked and underpaid for the work they do. You are one of hundreds. They do not exist to make sure you're actually learning anything, just that you can spit back the course content appropriately.

But once you get over the barrier to entry for most white-collar jobs (bachelor degree), what's the point? If you're not getting anything out of the education, you're only borrowing trouble from yourself in the future.

My bachelor's was relatively easy. My masters was MASSIVELY difficult. The PhD was even harder.

Because I sought out those difficulties.

bpshaver 2 days ago

100%. And if you aren't seeking out those difficulties, maybe your chosen degree program is not the correct choice for you right now.