Comment by tootie

Comment by tootie 3 days ago

1 reply

B&H?!?! The giant store in Manhattan famously run by Orthodox Jews? If that's confirmed it's going to be protested into dust pretty soon.

EDIT: I see an addenda to the article that B&H are denying any involvement. We'll see how it plays out. True or not, the rumor will be flying.

tzs 3 days ago

If it is confirmed I'd expect it to actually boost B&H's business, as long as B&H didn't actually know of or participate in the tampering with the shipment.

As you note B&H is well known for being run by Orthodox Jews. So why the heck would Hezbollah, an organization that wants to destroy Israel, buy their batteries from B&H?

It suggests that B&H is a really great place to buy things, so much better than the alternatives that even if dealing with Jews goes against your fundamental beliefs it is worth it.