Comment by hex4def6

Comment by hex4def6 3 days ago

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I agree with the sentiment, but:

To what level would the "source code" have to be published? Chip-level? Should I expect HDL code that allows me to reproduce the microcontroller? If not, expect a bunch of gadget companies to pay cypress or whoever to make "custom" chips with their firmware burned in. After all, what's the difference at that point between HDL and firmware?

If yes, expect most companies to simply refuse, and not authorize their chips for sale in the US. International IP / licensing agreement would make it literally impossible for them to comply without being sued into oblivion by the Taiwanese company they licensed the IP from.

I think stuff like design files and source code should be held in escrow by the government. If you continue to provide replacement parts to customers, the information remains protected. Once you stop providing reasonably priced replacements ("reasonably priced" = less than the cost of the product), the information gets published so others can reproduce it.