Comment by tptacek

Comment by tptacek 3 days ago

6 replies

Do you honestly believe that "protocols and treaties" established "hundreds of years" ago have any bearing on modern conflict? Do you have any arguments that would be persuasive to those of us who believe them to be more or less irrelevant since the Franco-Prussian War? I'm an American. We firebombed Dresden and Tokyo, then got up the next day and made breakfast. Pick another major combatant nationality anywhere on the globe, and I'll tell you a similar story.

By the standards of modern warfare, what happened today was probably weirdly humane.

beaglesss 3 days ago

I wonder what modern humane outcome plays out to a tiny nation state surrounded by arabs they're engaged in these kind of hostilities with. It seems this balance depends on large imbalanced external support, which will be called into question more and more as the USA loses global grip.

juliusdavies 3 days ago

It was astonishingly humane especially considering how effective it was:

1.) Communication network completely destroyed (anyone with a working pager in Lebanon has thrown it in the garbage).

2.) Most targets, while severely injured and even blinded, are still alive - I'm sure their families prefer this to them being dead.

3.) If you are an enemy of Israel, what can you even do now? You cannot assume your phones or your furniture or even your cat is safe. Any one of these things could detonate and kill or maim you at any time. And you can't trust anyone in your organization either.

I think this attack coupled with the Haniyeh assassination (in the presumably safest of safe places for him) has re-established Israel and Mossad as absolutely and utterly dominant.

I deplore zionism, but that doesn't change how humane and effective and incredibly precise this attack was. Probably its humane-ness was not particularly on purpose, and was more a side-effect of the constraints they were working with (hiding explosives in a small pager while still maintaining its correct operation), but that doesn't take away from how much better this is for all the casualties compared to, for example, Hamas casualties in Gaza.

mongol 3 days ago

The peace of Westfalia established state sovereignity. That is a cornerstone of international relations, and when it is breached it is usually condemned.