Comment by Agingcoder

Comment by Agingcoder 3 days ago

15 replies

Hezbollah members in Lebanon are not necessarily perceived as bad people - why would the scar be a problem ? Hezbollah claims it’s a resistance movement to Israel, they’re now wearing a scar caused by Israel in a mass coordinated attack, which will further legitimize Hezbollah.

I agree with the disruption of communication protocols and psychological damage though.

underdeserver 3 days ago

I don't get it. Why does Lebanon need to resist Israel? When in recent history has Israel attacked Lebanon or threatened it in any way, except in retaliation or defense against Hezbollah acts?

  • mongol 3 days ago

    In the first Lebanon war, Israel invaded Lebanon to strike against PLO. At this time, Hezbollah did not really exist, or was at least small and insignificant. It grew as a force in opposition of Israel's occupation.

    • underdeserver 2 days ago

      If the ruling government of Lebanon allowed the PLO to strike Israel from Lebanese soil, what could they expect Israel to do?

      • Agingcoder 2 days ago

        This was in the middle of the Lebanese civil war in 1982 , the Lebanese government had no control over anything.

        Furthermore, after the Israeli entered Lebanon in 1982, they didn’t fully leave the country until 2000, which is what caused the founding of hezbollah in 1982, and the perception of hezbollah as a resistance movement since then.

        Basically the Lebanese see Israel has having attacked then occupied a part of Lebanon for about 20 years, between 1982 and 2000 - this is recent enough for most people to relate to it.

  • Sawamara 2 days ago

    Please read some history man. I urge you to do it. Google it.

    • underdeserver 2 days ago

      I actually read quite a bit. Point me towards something specific if you will.

orochimaaru 3 days ago

Is it all of Lebanon though? I think Christian and Druze Lebanese don’t like the Hezbollah much anyway. Sure the Shiite south does but no one else.

ars 3 days ago

The scar marks an operative. Israel has a huge amount of video footage, now they work backward and see where that person went, and who they talked to.