Comment by nradov

Comment by nradov 3 days ago

12 replies

Historically there has never been any such moral consensus in the Middle East. It's been a continuous series of wars, massacres, and terrorism going back millennia — since long before Hezbollah or the modern state of Israel even existed.

frabbit 3 days ago


  • tptacek 3 days ago

    Israel's neighbors are all invited to the Eurovision, and decline to participate because Israel is involved.

    • frabbit 3 days ago

      In a comment by _alphanerd_ in this subthread he points out that problematic states such as Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Australia are in the Eurovision.

      Maybe Israel's neighbors object to that?

      Or maybe they can't find bad enough musicians to get an entry together and are afraid of losing?

      • bentley 3 days ago

        Lebanon’s objection is specifically due to Israel’s participation, according to Wikipedia:

        > Lebanon has never participated in the Eurovision Song Contest. The country's broadcasting organisation, Télé Liban, was set to make the country's debut at the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 with the song "Quand tout s'enfuit" performed by Aline Lahoud, but withdrew due to Lebanese laws barring the broadcast of Israeli content.

      • tptacek 3 days ago

        I'm not moralizing Eurovision participation; in fact, I'm saying there's basically no signal to extract from it at all.

  • alephnerd 3 days ago

    > Israel is in the Eurovision

    So is Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia until 2022, Turkey until 2012, and weirdly enough Australia.

    • frabbit 3 days ago

      Exactly. You don't see them blowing up ten year old girls. It's the power of love.

      • alephnerd 3 days ago

        Nagorno-Karabakh, Ossetia, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War, and Emus (and conduct in Afghanistan) disprove your point.