Comment by gknoy

Comment by gknoy 3 days ago

1 reply

Good grief, Gwern is a treasure. Every time I stumble across a link to something they've written, it's chock-full of side quest links to things that are _absolutely amazing_. I happened to leave my mouse briefly over one of the drop-caps, and it turns out there's an entire page dedicated to _generating drop-caps_ with AI, as well as showcasing all sorts of stuff.

"Thank you for making such awesome stuff" seems so pedestrian of a reaction. This is like looking at a fractal cathedral made by one person, where every time I look at it it's a hologram of something amazing and beautiful that I didn't even know was possible.

gwern 3 days ago

> I happened to leave my mouse briefly over one of the drop-caps, and it turns out there's an entire page dedicated to _generating drop-caps_ with AI

I'm very pleased to read that! I pushed Achmiz to implement that - "can we make all the dropcaps instances popup the page? "uh, probably, but why would you want to do that?" "because someone might be interested in one of the dropcaps and hover over it and otherwise they'll never know!" - and this is the first I've seen anyone mention it, but it sounds like it worked. It is one of the many touches few will ever notice, but I hope the ones who do will love it.