Comment by api

Comment by api 3 days ago

2 replies

What if we're expanding because we are in a black hole that is being fed by a collapsing star or other object in a many orders of magnitude larger scale universe?

Of course these kinds of things are probably 100% untestable.

pdonis 3 days ago

> What if we're expanding because we are in a black hole that is being fed by a collapsing star or other object in a many orders of magnitude larger scale universe?

Expanding and collapsing are two different things. So I don't see how your suggestion here makes any sense.

Jerrrrrrry 3 days ago

complexity of life's scale somehow trillions of magnitudes "smaller" than a similarly constructed universe is not only completely irreconcilably untestable (outside of one thought one) but also reminiscent of m-theory (11 dimensions) and the plot of men in black