Comment by markus_zhang

Comment by markus_zhang 3 days ago

2 replies

Definitely not. Hez has showed footages of UAVs inside of IL so potentially they could do some damage. They can also up their missile attacks. And there are other players such as the Houthis. Maybe they just don't want to do it because they figured it's of no good to them at the moment, but maybe the climate changes in the future and they decide to do it anyway.

rabidonrails 3 days ago

This is true of both sides.

Also important to remember is that Israel evacuated the civilian population in the north of the country due to Hezbollah currently indiscriminately shelling/bombing that area for the past months.

LegitShady 2 days ago

they launch those UAVs all the time. multiple times a week, sometimes daily. So they're already trying it, they're just not successful.