Comment by joshdavham

Comment by joshdavham 3 days ago

2 replies

Looks cool! But I'm wondering who the target audience is. Most web devs prefer javascript. Are you hoping to target data scientists to build data apps, for example?

Sn3llius 3 days ago

Exactly! We've seen from personal experience just how many people are currently working on AI/datascience projects and would love to create UIs for them, but just can't. That's exactly who Rio is for - people who are experts in one field, and don't want to invest hours and hours into other languages just to create interfaces for what they're working on.

  • joshdavham 3 days ago

    That’s really smart. I was previously a data scientist who only knew python and made the transition last year to become a full stack web dev and I honestly had no idea what I was in for. I probably won’t use your tool, but I’ll happily recommend other data scientists check it out so they don’t have to go through what I did.