shihab 3 days ago

Hezbollah is a political org, part of the government. Many hospitals, nurses were carrying those pagers.

And, the only well-known fake child death scandal was the one fabricated by Israel aka 40 beheaded babies, babies baked in oven etc- scandals used to justify the real mass killing of over 10,000 palestinian children by now. Can you point to any well known, well-distributed "Pallywood" incident involving children?

shadowgovt 3 days ago

Based on the video shared by Reuters, I'm not seeing anything that would focus the attack to the pager's carrier. Anyone standing next to the target would also risk severe injury or death.

ETA: I should perhaps clarify: focus the attack exclusively on the pager's carrier. It does appear to be modestly shaped in some way (in that we're not seeing the pagers go up in a 2-meter-radius fireball), but it's also not contained exclusively to the carrier, has no verification that the carrier is holding the device, etc. Whether one considers that "focused" is left as an exercise for the reader. Certainly more focused than a rocket; a bit less focused than poison.

  • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

    Hundreds of dead children would mean the devices killed 10x more child bystanders than the military personnel carrying the devices.

    What focuses the attack is proximity to the owner wearing it. This is very highly selective in comparison to something like a rockets with accuracy and kill radius measured in double digit meters.

  • ars 3 days ago

    From the vidoes I saw for example: they would have to be touching the pager to be harmed.

    • shadowgovt 3 days ago

      Interestingly, we're looking at the same video. I'm seeing a person who's pocket explodes and the person standing nearest them happened to be lucky enough to not be in the direct path of the blast. I can easily see that detonation severely wounding a bystander if they'd been in the (un)lucky angle and height.

      • ars 3 days ago

        They would have to be pressed up against the target - even a couple inches away they would not be harmed.

        Sure, it's possible theoretically for that to happen, but as a whole, this attack is incredibly precise and targeted.