s1artibartfast 3 days ago

Hezbollah has more than 100,000 fighters, so this would be what, one or two percent injured.

Everyone has cell phones that they can use in addition to the pager, so I don't think it's very accurate to say the communications are hosed either

  • bguebert 3 days ago

    Hezbollah has been warning its members not to use cell phones because they get targeted by using them too. Seems like the pagers were supposed to be the workaround for that.


    • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

      Not having a Hezbollah issued phone is very different from never using a phone.

      The idea that Hezbollah members have and had no means of communication other than pagers in a country full of cellphones and landlines is a farce.

    • hindsightbias 3 days ago

      Now that their pager-wielding C&C is wiped out, all that cell phone traffic isn't dark anymore.

      Two birds with one pager.

    • londons_explore 3 days ago

      Which is dumb, because pagers are just as trackable as phones.

      • vel0city 3 days ago

        Lots of pagers operate in one-way only mode. Towers transmit messages without expecting acknowledgement a few times, pager is configured to filter out and only alert on messages routed to its ID.

        Sure, theoretically one can detect a receive-only radio, but its massively more difficult than detecting something which actively transmits.

      • tonyarkles 3 days ago

        Many pagers are receive only. The tower has no idea who's listening; it just broadcasts out the messages that it's told to. Pagers are much less trackable than phones.

      • toyg 3 days ago

        They might have watched The Wire: you page Alice, and she uses a public phone to call you. Undetectable unless you wire all public phones in the city, or someone is dumb enough to always use the same phone (which is what happens in the series; they eventually switch to burner mobiles).

  • minkles 3 days ago

    It looks like a command structure attack. There’s now 98,000 people with no orders.

    • 0cf8612b2e1e 3 days ago

      That’s what I am thinking. These were not sent to a few thousand random guys, but almost certainly the highest level targets that could be identified.

  • xdennis 3 days ago

    They recently introduced pagers because they're less trackable than phones. Presumably the ones which have pagers are more important so its probably more impactful than targeting 1 or 2 percent of the regular terrorists.

  • Electricniko 3 days ago

    Cell phones that, if distributed from the organization like the pagers were, could be compromised as well.

  • mupuff1234 3 days ago

    The people with the pagers could be the more important people in the organization.

    And the 100k number seems quite exaggerated.

    • s1artibartfast 3 days ago

      I stand corrected and Minkles is right. Hezbollah is defeated.

      • [removed] 3 days ago
InsideOutSanta 3 days ago

They have about 100'000 members, and this attack has killed about a dozen, and injured about 2000. Only one recent shipment of pagers was affected. I don't think they are unable to respond.

egberts1 3 days ago

Concentrated in hospitals? Concentrated. Like, all in one place. Convenient?