Comment by wubrr

Comment by wubrr 3 days ago

4 replies

> But one thing HN community does not mention enough is when executives make these policies, they are looking at overall productivity and not individuals.

Most likely Amazon has zero data supporting the argument that WFH is less productive and probably has data to the opposite. They went from 'we're super data-based, data-oriented and objective' (which was a joke to begin with) to the complete opposite on this topic.

> When in reality, it’s highly likely that the executives see overall productivity being down and that HN posters do not represent the majority.

The reality is you have no idea what you're talking about, you have no data to back up your claims, you just can't resist licking the boot.

aurareturn 3 days ago

And you do? You’re a lot smarter than Amazon execs it seems. /s

  • wubrr 3 days ago

    I have some insight based on working at Amazon and being part of RTO/WFH-related discussions.

    That being said, you shouldn't confuse your personal hallucinations as the opinions of Amazon execs.

    • aurareturn 2 days ago

      You're not working hard enough. That's why they want you back in office for 5 days/week. Should stay off HN and get back to work. :)

      • wubrr 2 days ago

        I don't work there anymore, but when they introduced 3 days/week RTO I just said 'Nope, fire me if you want. Also, I want a 15% raise'. I got the raise and continued working fully remote until I got a better offer. It's amazing what you can get when you have self-respect you're not focused on deepthroating the boot all day long :)

        Now, I think you might want to take your own advice :)