Comment by afavour

Comment by afavour 3 days ago

8 replies

IMO you either need to go all in or not at all. And by all in I mean your "web page" is nothing but a <canvas> tag and your non-web framework is handling basically everything. It's an unholy nightmare for many reasons but it would at least allow you to make a reliable self-contained system.

"We'll take your native constructs and jimmy them into some bastardized HTML" is almost always full of razor-sharp edge cases.

Sn3llius 3 days ago

Agreed! And indeed we are still considering switching Rio to a Canvas + WebGL/WebGPU. The reason we've decided against it for now is accessibility, and weird edge cases such as Copy & Pasting.

  • moritzwarhier 3 days ago

    What about text rendering?

    Apart from native a11y, hackability/"DX" and affordances like text selection, I feel that text rendering is a big moat of classic web technologies.

wiseowise 3 days ago

> And by all in I mean your "web page" is nothing but a <canvas> tag and your non-web framework is handling basically everything

What a huge step back for the web.

moffkalast 3 days ago

Well that but with WebGPU just might work without turning your app into lagtown central, in a year or five when it's widely supported anyway.

bobbylarrybobby 3 days ago

How does a screen reader interact with one of these canvas pages?

  • afavour 3 days ago

    That would be one of the entries in the "unholy nightmare" bullet list.

pjmlp 3 days ago

Welcome to what made Flash took off in first place.

  • afavour 3 days ago

    I'm old enough to remember making admins with Adobe Flex. I unironically kind of miss it.