Comment by tivert

Comment by tivert 3 days ago

10 replies

> I think it's far more likely that Mossad has infiltrated whatever foreign (non-Israeli) supply chain they were using.

Yeah. Wasn't there something in the Snowden leaks about the CIA intercepting servers in-transit to install implants on them? I'm sure Israel is doing something similar.

ikmckenz 3 days ago

Photos of an NSA “upgrade” factory show Cisco router getting implant

  • g8oz 3 days ago

    No wonder the U.S is so worried about Huawei.

    • dijit 3 days ago

      Guilty parties often cast the first accusation.

      • jalk 2 days ago

        "Thief believes everybody steals"

willvarfar 3 days ago

During the cold war, Russia intercepted typewriters and teleprinters going to the US and other embassies and inserted implants in them.