Comment by mschuster91

Comment by mschuster91 3 days ago

3 replies

> Sucks to be them, why they even use pagers is laughable, unencrypted or encrypted. Cell infrastructure is easily traceable.

That's the point why they're using pagers: pagers are passive only. A cellphone can guide a rocket to its target, a pager just listens and cannot be used to guide a rocket, to act as a listening bug or confirm someone's presence (or absence).

CommanderData 3 days ago

Interesting, never knew this. Do modern pagers transmit any RF at all?

  • toast0 3 days ago

    There's two-way pagers which transmit, but receive only pagers can be broadcast reception only; there's no check-in / message acknowledgement, although messages may be rebroadcast to help ensure reception in case of bad signal conditions.

    You'd probably get some small amount of RF emissions though, most receivers radiate something as a result of using superheterodyne signal processing.