Comment by dredmorbius

Comment by dredmorbius 3 days ago

1 reply

I'm among those who often despairs that HN cannot address trenchant political issues, or aspects of stories. I really wish it could do better.

That said, if you do want to discuss those issues, the best way is to do so with an extreme awareness of HN's comment guidelines and provide a highly constructive example for others to follow. Complaining about others generally doesn't have that effect. Responding to complaints of others, even constructively, is at best marginally effective as well, of course.

I'll be the first to admit that the politics of the Middle East is exceedingly complex, most hats are at best grey, and I find myself often critical, occasionally impressed and supportive of, various parties.

One factor which might help is distinguishing direct beligerants and forces (regular or irregular) and political factions on the one hand from the civilian populations at large on the other (both sides face a high degree of risk, whether as collateral damage or as direct targets).

I'd also strongly urge all to downvote and flag clear agitation and of course nationalistic flamewars, as dang so very often admonishes: <>.

dredmorbius 3 days ago

Also if I can make a late addition: vouch for comments which you believe may have been unfairly flagged or killed. That also happens on Highly Contentious Discussions.

AFAIU mods see flags and vouches and will occasionally step in. Their bandwidth is limited however.

(I've emailed dang over this moderation issue, and in the case of this specific story. The mods do what they can.)