Comment by consteval

Comment by consteval 3 days ago

2 replies

It's really more complicated than this, because often commute has an inverse relationship with cost. The longer you commute, the more you save.

Sure, you could say going to office isn't too bad if you're 15 minutes away. But at 15 minutes away you're paying double for housing than if you were 90 minutes away. So even in the ideal scenario, RTO can be perceived as a huge pay cut.

kccqzy 3 days ago

I said I already don't enjoy a 30-minute commute. Even if housing is free I would not choose a 90-minute commute.

  • consteval 2 days ago

    Right, I'm articulating one cost of RTO people often don't consider. For many, it could easily be the equivalent of a 20%+ salary deduction due to cost of living.