Comment by dezgeg

Comment by dezgeg 3 days ago

2 replies

Another "fun" thing is old joysticks and steering wheels that require calibration. This used to be done in the windows control panel such that not every game needs to implement that... However it seems the latest API in fashion that eg. Unity uses just totally ignores that native calibration totally. (Could just be an Unity side problem also). So bunch of old wheels are broken on Unity.

gmueckl 3 days ago

What's equallt bad these days is the fact that the calibration UI is hidden in the third or fourth level of nested dialog windows recent versions of the Control Panel. Even finding it is a hunting game.

Many, but not all recent game controllers come with accurate and stable enough calibration so that you don't need to do this very often or at all. It's mostly older hardware that needs to go through the process. Most 10 year old controllers (sticks/wheels etc.) can still be perfectly usable today after calibration!

  • vel0city 3 days ago

    It was pretty easy to find with the Settings app.

    "Find a setting" > type "joy" suggests "Setup USB game controllers". Lists the controllers/joysticks. Click "Properties". Click "Calibrate..."