Comment by aftbit

Comment by aftbit 3 days ago

1 reply

>A light bulb went off in my head. Yes, these chunks of data in the flash chip were pictures! But not in the conventional sense. They were describing the various LED animations. Each set of 16 bytes is an animation frame written to the 14 LEDs. In the example above, a single red LED turns on and six of the seven white LEDs do stuff. The last two bytes in each row are a delay time before moving onto the next frame. The first 16 bytes looked kind of weird though. They looked like they possibly contained some header data for the animation or something.

I have independently invented this format, albeit in text instead of binary, for animating my Hue lamps. Animations in my version look like this:

             bulb1            bulb2
    dly  R  G  B WW CW    R  G  B WW CW
    100 10 25 20  0  0   25 10 20  0  0
    200 10 50 20  0  0   50 10 20  0  0
where the first value is the number of milliseconds to delay before moving to the next line, then each led channel's brightness (out of 100) is represented on each line. A line that starts with anything but a number is a comment, and any number of spaces (1+) are allowed between channels.

I'm tickled to see a similar (binary) format in a commercial product. It really is quite obvious, but still interesting to see.