Comment by tptacek

Comment by tptacek 3 days ago

5 replies

Market data suggests that Lebanon is completely saturated with smart phones, like everywhere else in the developed world, so it seems likely that there are only "guilty" pagers (certainly in this shipment, but more likely in the region).

MrLeap 3 days ago

Many doctors all over the world still use pagers.

  • tptacek 3 days ago

    You think Iran ships 2000 pagers to doctors in Lebanon all at once?

    • MrLeap 3 days ago

      I only provided a reasonable caveat to your suggestion that anyone in Lebanon with a pager can be assumed "guilty".

      • tptacek 3 days ago

        I used the word "guilty" (in quotes) because the parent comment did.

  • kspacewalk2 3 days ago

    Though not ones supplied by a terror group, connected to their private network.

    (This is an assumption, I'm neither a doctor nor a terrorist).