Comment by xdennis

Comment by xdennis 3 days ago

5 replies

That sounds nice, but by that logic no bomb would ever be fired. Under international law collateral damage must not be excessive, but it is permitted. If it was unacceptable, evil armies would do what they want and good armies would never fire a shot.

lm28469 3 days ago

When you drop a bomb you at least know where it's going, here you have no idea.

Look at what's going on in Ukraine, if you can't tell a good from a bad shit you have to get your eyes checked. Hitting a column of tank isn't the same as targeting a civilian building

Wars are always bad and there will always be war crimes on all sides, it doesn't mean that everything is equal

  • daedrdev 3 days ago

    In WW2 20% of US bombs fell within 1000 feet of their target, which were often in densely populated areas. Its only modern technology that lets us know where its really going

    • lm28469 3 days ago

      > In WW2 20% of US bombs fell within 1000 feet of their target, which were often in densely populated areas. Its only modern technology that lets us know where its really going

      Is this supposed to be a gotcha ?

      WW2 is the reason we updated the Geneva conventions to protect civilians lol

t0lo 18 hours ago

Do you really want to defend this?