Comment by fundad

Comment by fundad 3 days ago

4 replies

We have to be in n the office 3-days so if I WFH because sick, I would have to badge in Friday. This is foolish so I take a sick day if I’m not going into the office.

cholantesh 3 days ago

Huh; my org seems to be pretty lenient in that regard - if you are ill or book time off on a day you meant to be in the office it's fine.

  • fundad 3 days ago

    My org may be more lenient than I understand it to be, mainly I don't know what if any consequences there are if I do WFH while sick/recovering/contagious and am only in the office twice in a week.

s1artibartfast 3 days ago

That doesn't work for a lot of people due to workload, but that is a separate problem

  • fundad 2 days ago

    True. I can’t take RTO organizations seriously about productivity