Comment by PaulHoule

Comment by PaulHoule 3 days ago

1 reply

Makes me think of

And also Asimov's classic End of Eternity

where a time traveller who overshoots his target and winds up too far in the past posts a classified on March 28, 1932 with a picture of a mushroom cloud and the title

   All (the)
   Of (the)
As literature I think (1) it reads like Chandler, (2) reads like a non-genre writer imitating the genre such as E.B. White in The Morning of the Day they Did It (who even scoops Rachel Carson)

I'd say real genre writers such as Heinlein, Asimov, and Doc Smith were always more careful how they used neologisms and didn't just drop them out rapid fire in search of affect. But you sure see that in parodic material such as Calvin and Hobbes (which would parodize Chandler and sci-fi)