Comment by rhelz

Comment by rhelz 3 days ago

19 replies

We don't really have a good name for the emotion that this article describes as "feeling Stupid".

You know what it feels like to be stupid? It feels like you are really smart! I feels like you already know all you need to know, about, say, vaccinations, or about hot to parent somebody else's children.

I'm currently a student teacher, and I'm really struggling to get this point across to my students. I'm asking them questions which make them really think, and since no other teacher has done that to them before, they feel really stupid. But they are not being stupid. If they were being stupid, they'd feel like they had it all figured out.

So yeah, there is this emotion, commonly but unfortunately called "feeling stupid", which you feel when you are trying to figure something out. What would be a good name for that emotion???

dav_Oz 2 days ago

You are likely referring to ignorance: not knowing what you don't know thus resulting in a possible false confidence.

The article is about "feeling stupid" in hindsight. Because you cannot unsee it anymore. Which makes you wonder about other myriad obvious things you are missing.

"Feeling stupid" can also mean that you get the impression that everyone around you gets it but you don't.

The irony especially in maths - it seems - is that you can feel stupid because you don't get it and then quit but also keep feeling stupid if you finally got it because in hindsight everything falls so neatly into place that you can't imagine that you had so much trouble to get it in the first place!

082349872349872 3 days ago

anticipation of cluefulness? epistemic frustration? temporarily embarrassed expertise?


  • gradschoolfail 3 days ago

    Ideally it should cover TC-ST’s emotions as expressed in

    (Mulling/marvelling ATM how wikipedia talkpages, mastodon, o1, or HN are all inadequate for the kind of conversations we all hope for, something about the tension between sublimating koinonia & prowess-seeking)

    EDIT Getting a bit selfreferential here too

    EDIT 2: “barely bottled in-game insanity” could work

    • 082349872349872 2 days ago

      on mulling/marveling:

      a) FPD read the Glass Bead Game, and instead of fixating on the game itself as I have done, noticed how the conversations tended toward an ideal (also, IIRC, recommended in the NE):

      b) etymologically, companions eat bread together, and symposia involve drinking. Maybe a problem with digital fora is that although we may have moved on from grooming and nitpicking, we still require at least a minial amount of analogue ingestion and imbibing for conviviality? (in the dating context, see )

      EDIT: Re: "barely bottled in-game insanity", either someone needs to tell Stross that Series Landys don't have ignition buttons, or I need to accept the foreshadowing and realise that detail was an early in-story clue of power of eldritch horrors* to transmute and pervert even the most solid basis of innate rural goodness.

      * in the world of the Laundry; in our world it was Tata who added the buttons

  • rhelz 2 days ago

    Perplexed!!!!!!! That is exactly the right word. It has no negative connotations like “bewildered” or “stupid” does, so it’s ok for them to self-describe as “perplexed” in a way because it is not self-denigrating like “stupid” is.