Comment by ayanb9440

Comment by ayanb9440 3 days ago

2 replies

We currently don't save the browser state after the run has completed but that's something we can definitely add as a feature. Could you elaborate on your use case? In which scenarios would it be better to split a run into multiple steps?

mdaniel 2 days ago

Almost any process that involves the word "workflow" (my mental model is one where the user would press alt-tab to look up something else in another window). The very, very common case would be one where they have a stupid SMS-based or "click email link" login flow: one would not wish to do that a ton, versus just leaving the session authenticated for reuse later in the day

Also, if my mental model is correct, the more browsing and mouse-movement telemetry those cloudflare/akamai/etc gizmos encounter, the more likely they are to think the browser is for real, versus encountering a "fresh" one is almost certainly red-alert. Not a panacea, for sure, but I'd guess every little bit helps

  • jasonwcfan 2 days ago

    The way we plan to handle authenticated sessions is through a secret management service with the ability to ping an endpoint to check if the session is still valid, and if not, run a separate automation that re-authenticates and updates the secret manager with the new token. In that case, it wouldn't need to be stateful, but I can certainly see a case for statefulness being useful as workflows get even more complex.

    As for device telemetry, my experience has been that most companies don't rely too much on it. Any heuristic used to identify bots is likely to have a high false positive rate and include many legitimate users, who then complain about it. Captchas are much more common and effective, though if you've seen some of the newer puzzles that vendors like Arkose Labs offers, it's a tossup whether the median human intelligence can even solve it.