Comment by coldpie

Comment by coldpie 3 days ago

1 reply

Your peers aren't the ones making nine figures and buying yachts and vacation homes off the results of the work you're doing. Look up, not sideways, to find the mis-allocated resources that you're after.

adamtaylor_13 3 days ago

I see no misallocated resources. I enjoy exploiting the system that enables the yacht-havers, because then I too can have a yacht.

And while I get the feeling that most HN commenters feel some sort of misplaced injustice due to this, but the thrill of the game is part of the fun to me. I’d rather that than factory work where I can guarantee my skills will never position me to rise above my station.

The tech industry is so unique in this and it blows my mind how people just want to throw it all away.