Comment by robocat

Comment by robocat 3 days ago

2 replies

That is awfully close to blaming the engineers.

You don't know what kind of pressures they are under to deliver.

I know of significant compromises in all the software I have written, and I would make hardware mistakes if I had taken the electronic engineer path. Sometimes we have to prioritize and I've never had an unlimited time budget on any project (not even my own).

Projects with no issues are mostly dead!

aftbit 3 days ago

Well high pressure to deliver is sort of a poor culture isn't it? I agree we should be forgiving of others mistakes, but I also think we ought to strive to develop better solutions that lead to fewer bugs at any given velocity.

db48x a day ago

A poor engineering culture usually exists because management broke it, rather than because the engineers failed to create it. Of course I have no insight into how Elgato is run, so I am not pointing fingers. I merely state that there is certainly evidence that their engineers are not focused on quality.