Comment by j45

Comment by j45 3 days ago

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Having worked remotely for many years more than most people than I meet by fair margin..

I love my home setup. It’s better than my office setup. But my office has faster fibre than I’ll ever get at home and I can get more done.

It’s ok for both to be good for different things.

Entirely remote or in person isn’t ideal. I maintain both a home and work. Just when I think I might not need one I get reminded.

Too much of anything or one can limit or stall your growth and lead to all those feels of why do you feel you’re standing still when you’re sitting at home all the time, or just the same office.

Companies have to be designed to be distributed, or suck at it. Distributed is a better word I find than remote (disconnected) or virtual (those contributions aren’t real)

Having a mix of activity and locations to