Comment by motoxpro

Comment by motoxpro 3 days ago

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Which I guess was the point of the post, that those "modules" can also be books on those topics from the professors that teach classes at the best MBA schools in the world.

10-15 pounds instead of 10k-15k pounds. If you are the kind of person that needs to be in a (remote) classroom to learn and that is worth 1000 times more, then great. Whatever one needs to do to achieve the goal.

The worlds information is all on the internet. If you don't need the credential, the connections, or the learning structure, everything is free and can be consumed in a perfectly personalized way.

Personally, I would argue that, after a certain point, if you need to pay to get access to that sort of structured environment to learn it's going to be pretty hard to start a company that is, by definition, purely in unstructured space. Also continue to learn because knowledge in those areas is not static, and the things that are just basic foundational info.