Comment by xdennis

Comment by xdennis 3 days ago

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> Has the world really changed so much in these last ~4 years that we can't even imagine going in to work 5 days a week now?

I think we are going further and further away from "the future".

In 1964, Arthur Clarke said that "I am perfectly serious when I suggest that one day we may have brain surgeons in Edinburgh operating on patients in New Zealand." and "Men will no longer commute, they will communicate." [1]

I would think that a future where people aren't limited by where they live is desirable and not commuting to office is a way to achieve this.

Covid was a way for companies to realize that many jobs don't really need physical presence in an office. And maybe we should invest in technology that makes more jobs remove so that even brain surgery could be so. But it seems like instead of Covid being the impetus for change, things are reverting, as if non-remote is the normal state of affairs.

Maybe it is the natural state, but it's a sadder world because of it.
