Comment by maipen

Comment by maipen 3 days ago

1 reply

Every framework, requires a learning curve.

You need to spend time learning how it works, what are it's limitations and what not.

The newer it is, the fewer components, help and support you have at your dispose.

I don't like these frameworks because it tempts people to learn something that isn't going to get mainstream adoption.

We already have to be careful when choosing a framework like React, vue, svelte etc...

Are you building a side project? You probably should just do it with what you already know, it's gonna be faster and probably better.

Not saying we shouldn't try new things or build new ways of doing stuff, but in this case you are not really running your python code on the web, your running compiled js,html and css...

I much rather choose something that allows me to write vanilla js with some extra features like signals.

ramon156 3 days ago

What would solve these issues is backwards compatibility. I want to be able to write a full JS/HTML app, a full "framework specific" solution, and anything in between.

Let me migrate my current project into the new framework and see what the experience is like. Let me hack some stuff together for fun, only then I'll consider the framework.