Comment by J_Shelby_J

Comment by J_Shelby_J 3 days ago

2 replies

It’s sad because their stuff, like the key lights and the stream deck are neat and really useful. and the software has all the features you’d want and you can make your own plugins for it and they document the process for making the plugins. All really cool.

But in practice I’m constantly having to power cycle my key lights and having to restart the stream deck app on windows.

BizarroLand 3 days ago

I maintain a lot of their stuff for my coworkers. It's nice looking, and easy to understand, but they also have a lot of things that are kludgy clunky or strange that don't make any sense.

Their ring light, for instance, can't be manually turned off using the shoulder buttons. It can only be set to a low dim. Why not? Makes no sense.

Their FaceCam needs a high bandwidth usb 3.0 port all to itself. Won't reliably work over a hub. Why not? I mean, give it a low bandwith 720p mode or something.

The Mic has a headphone jack, sure, no problem, but why does it install 8 audio devices during the install? Only install what is needed!

Their USB capture cards have issues staying connected unless they are plugged directly into the laptop/desktop motherboard, and even then they flip out every few hours.

These issues have ensured that I won't buy any of their stuff. I've recreated an entire elgato stack that would have cost $500+ for like $90 in cheap chinesium crap and it works perfectly.

ajolly 3 days ago

Btw I switched from using their app to bitfocus companion instead. Still lets me control my stream deck but no more elgato Corsair bloat