hersko 3 days ago

The "clever show" has caused a mass casualty event of Hezbollah fighters. I would say it was an extremely effective attack.

  • diggan 3 days ago


    • wing-_-nuts 3 days ago


      • diggan 3 days ago

        Not sure if you've seen any of the videos that have circulated, but the created explosions was bigger than just getting a bruise on the waist from it. Seems it'd be enough to stand next to someone with one of those pagers to get hurt by it.

flutas 3 days ago

I think the intent was to disable a bunch of fighters honestly.

Make the pager ring, they grab it, it explodes in their hand disabling them for life and making them useless for the soldier role.

lxgr 3 days ago

The entire point of using one-way pagers (instead of phones or other two-way communication devices) is that they're effectively impossible to locate.

A supply chain attack could have probably added some sort of beacon, but that might show up on an RF sweep.

piva00 3 days ago

Probably because they have been stalking for a while, and this escalation is a precursor to further action. Destroying lines of communication is usually done before military action.

jimbob45 3 days ago

I think the "clever show" was the point. The physical damage may not actually justify the investment here. You need the resultant paranoia and suspicion from Hezbollah or it wasn't worth putting resources into.

bathtub365 3 days ago

They’re likely already stalking their owners via software exploits on their phones