bewaretheirs 3 days ago

Hezbollah reportedly bans its members from carrying cell phones and has them carry pagers instead:

  • bluescrn 3 days ago

    That was a mistake. If they'd gone for the thinnest smartphone they could buy, there'd be no chance of anybody hiding a small bomb inside it.

    • rdl 3 days ago

      Assuming you aren't joking: Pagers are receive-only, which is why they'd use them in preference to cellphones, which transmit even when just idling to register on cells.

      • LinuxBender 3 days ago

        Pagers are receive-only

        This has not been true for some time. Pagers attach to a network in the same way a cell phone does. It is true they are more reliable in the receive only sense, as they can receive the broadcast message in the area they last attached to and the acknowledgment is not required to see the message but they do indeed transmit.

    • kayodelycaon 3 days ago

      With a cell phone, the bomb is conveniently express-shipped to you by F-16. Or thoughtfully hand-delivered by the Mossad Postal Service.

    • bewaretheirs 3 days ago

      Pagers are immune to a number of threats that two-way communications devices enable.

  • aenis 3 days ago

    Thats an interesting attack vector on its own. Who does not regularly carry a phone with them these days?

bee_rider 3 days ago

Although, if I was an intelligence agency or police force, I’d definitely give pagers a second look, right? Like they have uses but somebody picking a pager over a cellphone is doing something unusual—maybe something unusual and good, like running an emergency services organization, but still unusual enough to take a second look.

drcode 3 days ago

also make it hard to triangulate your location