ayanb9440 3 days ago

There are quite a few open source YC startups at this point. Our understanding is that:

1. Developer tooling should be open source by default 2. Open source doesn't meaningfully affect revenue/scaling because developers that would use your self-hosted version would build in-house anyway.

  • ilrwbwrkhv 2 days ago

    I know there are quite a few open source by default companies. But the ethos of open source is sharing / building something by the community and getting paid in a way which does not scale the way VC funding expectations work.

    So to have some respect for the open source way on top of which you are building all this please stop advertising it as "open source infrastructure" in bold and sell it like a normal software product with "source available" on the footer.

    If you do plan to go open source and actually follow its ethos, remove the funded by VC label and have self hosting front and center in the docs with the hosted bit somewhere in the footer.

    • ilrwbwrkhv 2 days ago

      Like again if you are not sure, what open source means, this is open source: https://appimage.org/

      Hope it is abundantly clear with this example. Docker tried it's best to do the whole open source but business first and it led to disastrous results.

      At best this will make your company suffer and second guess itself and at worst this is moral fraud.

      Talk to your group partner about this and explain to them as well.