Comment by Sn3llius

Comment by Sn3llius 3 days ago

3 replies

Hey, Rio dev here. Love to see us on Hackernews <3

Rio comes with its own set of debug tools, so I don't see debugging as a problem. Our components even explain their entire layouting flow, so I'd argue debugging Rio layout is much easer than CSS :P

For example, here's an excerpt of what the built-in dev-tools have to say about a button in one of my apps:

> The component was allocated a width of 104.0 by its parent MyRoot. Due to align_x being set, the Button only takes up the minimum amount of space necessary and is centered in the available space.

eigilsagafos 3 days ago

As developers/engineers we love to solve problems. Too many times though we mislabel "friction" as "problem" and then start trying to solve the friction based on our current skill set or viewpoint. So frontend devs feel friction working backend and vice versa leading to all sorts of efforts like this that mostly fail. Good luck though :)

  • animal_spirits 3 days ago

    This kind of framework isn’t targeted towards frontend devs though. It is targeted towards backend devs who want to make frontends easier.