Comment by pavel_lishin

Comment by pavel_lishin 3 days ago

1 reply

> Then there’s spooky shit like: >

From the article:

> However, Carter's calculations also show that a would-be black hole with these parameters would be "super-extremal". Thus, unlike a true black hole, this object would display a naked singularity, meaning a singularity in spacetime not hidden behind an event horizon. It would also give rise to closed timelike curves.

I wonder if there's a fun sci-fi story in the discovery that all electrons are in fact naked singularities.

ithkuil 3 days ago

In quantum field theory electrons are excitations in the electron field.

If they also were tiny black holes, what would it mean to be an excitation in the electron field which when the wave function collapses it would behave like a black hole. Does it mean that it's not a black hole anymore when the wave function spreads out?