Comment by mike_hearn

Comment by mike_hearn 3 days ago

1 reply

Another rather unconventional way to do this, though it can be powerful, is to combine GraalPython, JavaFX and

The primary advantage is that the built in set of components is pretty powerful (e.g. a real table view), everything runs server side, the Python can be JIT compiled, and from the user's POV it still feels like a web app (e.g. zoom is respected). You can "shell out" to Javascript if needed, you can use Java libraries. The JPro website is itself a JavaFX app running as a web app. Also there's a visual UI builder that's decent (and free).

Primary downside beyond just the obscurity of the stack (same problem as for Rio), is just that JPro is a commercial solution. But then you get commercial support and bug fixes in case you need something special or hit an obscure rendering case.

mwcampbell 2 days ago

I should caution that the home page has some pretty obvious screen reader accessibility issues. Assuming the website is rendered with the framework itself, I wouldn't be comfortable using that framework in a real application unless someone did a comprehensive accessibility audit first.