Comment by ajsnigrutin

Comment by ajsnigrutin 3 days ago

5 replies

This is going to be an interesting one... definitely someone (not a lot of guessing who) modified the pagers somewhere in the supply chain...

As with exploding drones, this will become a thing in other countries too, either as a part of organized crime or general terrorism.

anonu 3 days ago

Another working theory is that it could just be an opportunistic cyber attack - compromising lithium batteries. Though some of the videos coming out look like a bigger explosion that just a battery going off:

  • ajsnigrutin 3 days ago

    Nah, batteries don't explode like that... heat, burst of fire somewhere, sure... full on explosion, no way. This was done somewhere in the supply chain, devices were replaced, explosives were added.

    And israel will wonder why suddenly even more lebanonis want to fight them after.

    • EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK 3 days ago


      • ajsnigrutin 3 days ago

        Terrorist is relative... my country was liberated from the nazis by what would then be called "terrorists".

        For many people down there, they're considered freedom fighters, and israel is considered to be commiting genocide in palestine... And the sentiment is spreading, not just in lebanon.

        • ajsnigrutin 3 days ago

          To respond to person above, KLA was a terrorist organization recgnized by USA and many others too, then they became "valuable" in their geopolitical schemes, and US helped them, and many countries literally protected them in kosovo, including the president there, who was a member of KLA.