Comment by mattgreenrocks

Comment by mattgreenrocks 3 days ago

4 replies

Not sure I agree. What makes the presentation layer of HTML/JS/CSS so different from Win32 of yore, which had VB? VB enabled a LOT of bespoke monstrosities, but it let you do things quickly and easily. We need something like that for the web.

There will always be essential complexity in dealing with the client/server nature of web apps. But there's still a lot of incidental complexity that can be burned off.

worewood 3 days ago

> What makes the presentation layer of HTML/JS/CSS so different from Win32 of yore, which had VB?

From my experience: besides both Win32 and VB being from the same entity (Microsoft), which helps a lot, what we had basically were VB bindings for the underlying Win32 library.

This Rio project seems more analogous to a library that tries to do an abstraction on top of Win32, like wxWidgets or Java's AWT. They work but the end results always seem a bit "off".

And unlike Win32, web technologies are moving targets and any assumptions one makes may be wrong some browser updates down the line... and there's where the nightmare comes

wiseowise 3 days ago

> We need something like that for the web.

It’s called HTML/CSS/JS.

pjmlp 3 days ago

Because of the rendering features provided by HTML, CSS and JavaScript semantics.

That is why Flash became so loved by Web designers, allowing them to target a rendering surface, completely bypassing the browser.

Also why we are now having Flash's revenge with WebGL/WebGPU/WebAssembly.

However the "until you have to debug it" still applies, unless you ship the browser with the application, but that isn't something people usually do. /s