Comment by Gupie

Comment by Gupie 3 days ago

4 replies

I don't disagree with what you have just said except I understand education to refer to the transfer of knowledge while research is the discovery of new knowledge.

JoeAltmaier 3 days ago

Curiously the root of that word is 'to search again', meaning more like 'reviewing sources in the library' and less like 'doing experiments in the lab'.

  • kragen 3 days ago

    re- in this case is probably an intensive prefix rather than indicating repetition. this is an uncommon re- in english, but does occur, for example in 'refried beans', a calque from spanish where intensive re- is still a productive prefix

    so it probably means 'search really hard' rather than 'search again'

dahart 3 days ago

Research is wholly about the transfer of knowledge, both before and after any associated experimentation. Sometimes there is discovery in between, but not always; survey papers and meta analyses are research, a very important part of research. Experiments that don’t research previous work and don’t communicate the results aren’t research and usually don’t result in the discovery of new knowledge. Can’t know it’s new unless you research what’s already known.

  • Gupie 2 days ago

    You could argue education is wholly about the transfer of knowledge, but research isn't. The fundamental difference between research and education is the discovery of new knowledge. You can be educated without doing research, and you need an education to do research, but without this discovery of new knowledge you are not doing research. You can also do research without communicating the results, just like you can write a book without publishing it.